• Laurent Perrier Vintage Brut Champagne 750ml

    Laurent Perrier Vintage Brut Champagne 750ml

    Laurent Perrier Vintage Brut Champagne 750ml Laurent Perrier Vintage Brut Champagne 750ml  Brut – White French Wine  Wine of France  Laurent-Perrier has made the exacting choice to declare vintages only in the greatest years. A miracle of delicacy, this vintage Brut delights with its subtle balance of sparkle and fullness. Regional information: Champagne terroir covers…

  • Laurent-Perrier Cuveé Rosé Champagne 750ml

    Laurent-Perrier Cuveé Rosé Champagne 750ml

    Laurent-Perrier Cuveé Rosé Champagne 750ml Laurent-Perrier Cuveé Rosé Champagne 750ml. We provide wholesales champagne in europe and asian countries. Regional information: Cuvée Rosé Laurent-Perrier combines a vinous character with great freshness. Tender and ethereal, its bouquet of freshly-picked berry fruits easily surprises, constituting a very pleasant appetiser. Served at a temperature of 8-10°C, it delivers…

  • Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée Champagne 750ml

    Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée Champagne 750ml

    Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée Champagne 750ml Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée Champagne 75ml, Antwerp wholesales drinks provide high quality champagne for sale in bulk.  Champagne – White French Wine Alcohol by volume: 12% Alcoholic content: 9 units Serving suggestion: La Cuvee is pale gold with steady streams of fine bubbles. The nose has aromas of citrus, underpinned by…